Muhammad Jawad Mansoor
Muhammad Jawad Mansoor
[BUG] NPE while setting ($OnCompletionListener)' on a null object reference
Any update on this issue .I am also facing this issue.
Thanks. Now i m moving to sockets for implementing it.
The problem may occur when your device and PC/Laptop are on different network i.e Different IPs. try changing `axios.get(`http://localhost/token/${username}`).then((twilioUser) => {` to `axios.get(`http://{your computer IPV4}:3001/token/${username}`).then((twilioUser) => {` in api-service.js This...
Can u please explain using a example code. That would help me
How can i implement it for individual users. for example I have 3 remote users a , b and c then hove know which of them are mute and which...
Thanks but isn't any other solution than server as agora must be having this function.
Thanks i have used `UserMuteAudio` event and that gave me boolean value of who is muted and who is not.
Can u please provide an example.?
I m using curently this code for showing local Video. ``` ``` Now how can i show my image to all users in group call.??
but this is for remote users what about local view?