I've come across this one a few times in testing other things, but hadn't devoted anytime to it. Whilst brainstorming another issue I believe I stumbled on at least one...
It isn't, this is NPC. This issue shouldn't occur any more from my understanding. This should be similar to #293 and the other reason it used to occur was during...
Just FYI, this wasn't a feature in the original, the example given from dosbox, follows the same as Corsix behaviour. The hit test for the mouse over is on the...
Door reservations and queue positions definitely influence the throughput. Its been a while since I looked at it specifically. But Queue:Push, will prioritise the leaving patient over the entering, due...
Took a squiz at this based on my comment (I set it FIFO) and even though I was able to increase toilet utilisation, it didn't really take affect. I then...
Back in #999 it was noted that the 'free_loos' didn't really reflect the correct name and this at least plays some part I think in this greater issue. The code...
> or the room cleaned up the pukes while he was sweeping it? Probably the same issue in #1329/#1344, having removed the litter through some other process before the sweep...
CorsixTH spawns on edge of map, whereas the original as the view is limited, spawns much closer to the entry of the hospital. The original allows for up to 4...
I've also found the spawn_rate calculation to be off. When the popn.Change value takes affect is at the end of that index month, not the end of the next month....
To add to that last example. If loading the demo one first up. The dialog appears fine. If load a full one, and quit using the FILE menu, then load...