The Warning used to be an Error. Once made to a warning obviously not crashing. It does occur often, and most of the time, its nothing, it fires incorrectly. This...
Those pointed out are missing minimum patient/visitor checks. I made similar observation in From memory the annual report with visitors/cured counts, aren't necessarily values we capture either or the...
I had a quick look at this, the patient appears to have not visited any rooms or anything. They passed reception and I assume is on way to a GPs...
I could replicate this by, picking up the surgeon whilst peforming an operation and right clicking to cancel. Surgeon 'teleports' to screen and gowns up again, then whilst they are...
That looks like a different issue, I think this relates to my comment where a patient can become fed up and and leave whilst in the room. Or you...
This is a blocked off area bug. The walk doesn't actual walk anywhere, and the use animation just starts for the cabinet. Link to #826. I made note in #1462...
I found the issue with the walk is from Room:crashRoom The entering patient was 'reserved_for' the door. They get the IdleAction and SeekRoom actions queued on the end of...
I've come across the 2nd stack trace issue with the bad argument to findDistance as in the above comment Just slightly different, dead handyman has no 'task', but is...
In Hospital:searchForHandymanTask there is already a check if handyman is fired or not in hospital, same one probably needs 'dead' checked as well both without referring to the handyman:unassignTask, as...
I wonder if this has anything to do with it and maybe some of the other issues we've come across, - dropping the task from the handyman, but leaving them...