Rafael Sanches
Rafael Sanches
This would be great. I'm trying hard to find documentation on how to migrate this to the new pattern. Nothing found. At least add a big message at the README.md,...
same here, queue never gets cleaned up, even when calling `compact()`
@karussell snacktory picks blindly the first
All combined. Compilation take a long time due to JDO enhancement and creation of jars. Averages 7 seconds per module. (I use the latest macbook pro) Then, running the ear...
hey guys, This was an old post. In the meanwhile, the development got great again. What we did: 1) created an "admin" module that includes all the other modules. 2)...
Hi hysayt, Have you tested this?
husayt, dispatch.xml don't work on development. It's written in appengine documentation.
The bulk of scheduling can be possible by making this change to the library, in order to separate processing from write calls: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n3llzyiz4eep69j/Screenshot%202018-04-17%2011.43.30.png?dl=0 This is the scheduling part, using the...