@jabby Can you help me please? - The [GitHub workflow ]( pipeline seems to fail due to (me) not having permission to sonar. Am I missing something? - Jenkins tests...
Which api of gitlab do you intend to upload to?
@jabby can you confirm that from an implementation perspective JenkinsService (like JiraService) needs to be created and used in the ServicesApi?
I will try to do so once I find the time
Is there no REST API then for coverage in any form at the moment? (Version 2.0.4) Then I think this should be mentioned in the README and release notes.
As a solution I patched the original bootstrap script on the host machine as follows. In `/usr/local/bin/docker-compose:74` I replaced the following line: `ENV_OPTIONS=$(printenv | sed -E "/^PATH=.*/d; s/^/-e /g; s/=.*//g;...
If your environment setup (for example busybox) does not support either of the options in the above snippet, you should try @lightoze's fix:
Hey @gilesknap , thanks for the reply. I don't think hard links could ever help since windows does not have anything similar. As a first quick solution, I "patched" the...
Right. I'm surprised about the ability to enable symlinks on windows, but that explains. I'm _sure_ that the VMs run NTFS or alike filesystem because windows does not support ext...