Yeah RGB references would be super useful.
What's the situation with this? I have a use for this kind of thing as I'm currently working around it in a kinda annoyingly hacky way by wrapping expression after...
Looking forward to updates on this PR @Aurel300 ;)
Yeah, because the amount times I have to restart the language server while programming is kinda ridiculous and most certainly not user friendly. :/
Nobody? :)
There was an error after the debugger controls (step over etc) disappear. In the bottom status bar it says "Debugging is Started" and turns to "Debugging is Stopped" and then...
Eh... I had the CodeLLDB extension installed. I uninstalled it and the errors do not appear anymore, but the debugger still doesn't work. Yes I use the launch.json that I...
Three years later and still waiting for that RGB support... 😄