Chengyu Zhang

Results 9 comments of Chengyu Zhang

For this sentence, spaCy tags "down" as ADV. But it seems that "down" should be tagged as ADP, since "down" is movable around the object. ``` (postag) lab-workstation:$ cat

Thank you for the nice suggestion. Yin-Yang does not support performance fuzzing in the current version. We will consider adding such a feature into the tool.

Thank you for pointing out the talk. It is really nice 👍 .

Thanks, John. BTW, although the healthy/sick is incorrectly labelled, the POS tagging works correctly if I change the `wealthy` to `sick` for this sentence: ``` $ python3 2021-06-25 14:30:34...

Thanks, John. Nice to know. It may be due to the fact that there are no examples of "wealthy" in such a context in the training data as you said....

Thanks for your update. It's interesting!

Thanks, John. Sounds good.