Muhammad Ubaid Raza

Results 18 issues of Muhammad Ubaid Raza

Source module: ```ts // import low from 'lowdb'; import FileSync from 'lowdb/adapters/FileSync'; const adapter = new FileSync('./database/db.json'); const db = low(adapter); // Set some defaults db.defaults({ bots: [], deviceDescriptors:...

Fixes following error: ```bash CDP ServiceWorker.setForceUpdateOnPageLoad exception TypeError: page._client.send is not a function at FakeBrowser.interceptPage (/home/user/Desktop/fake-browser/api/node_modules/fakebrowser/src/core/FakeBrowser.ts:270:35) at FakeBrowser.onTargetCreated (/home/user/Desktop/fake-browser/api/node_modules/fakebrowser/src/core/FakeBrowser.ts:226:24) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) ```

- added eslitn config - added eslint packages - remove tslint config - update deprecated packages

> vue-cli ยท Failed to download repo kazupon/vue-plugin-boilerplate: ENOENT: no such file or directory, link 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\test\' -> 'C:\Users\username\.vue-templates\kazupon-vue-plugin-boilerplate\template\gitbook\en\' Vue-cli: 2.9.1

Create an Admin template using these components

help wanted

does this library support Node.js environment? also does it always require `worker_path` or if not provided runs in-process?

### Area of Improvement Currently documentation gives idea on how to use different validation libraries. But what if I just want to specify input type. to get typed inference on...

๐Ÿ“š documentation / examples

Problem: Font weight for default is too thin. Using same VsCode settings for different OS (Windows 10 in my case works fine, font is rendered perfectly) Screenshot of Issue: ![Screenshot_20231119_230651](