Mu-An Chiou

Results 22 issues of Mu-An Chiou

Hi @javan 👋🏻, I found this while working with `activestorage/ujs.js`. I thought it's worth opening an issue here because the code works when there's native support for `form.requestSubmit` . Specifically,...

Not sure what would be the most lightweight way to do this...

A friend suggested that the keyword workflow could be more streamlined and moved away from the heaving friction flow of opening a PR and a manual review. Imagine something like...


```js > npm run i18n zh-TW zh_Hant // creates dist/emoji-zh-TW.json > npm run improve zh-TW // add keywords ``` 想要幫忙的話,歡迎對這支 branch 送 pull request! Initial focus should be set to the first focusable element instead of the dialog element. > @jscholes: Placing focus on the close button is the correct behaviour if the...

The following isn't being reliably run on popstate events.

bug looks wrong as of now. 4 new smileys were added but the count went from 157 to 160, one short.

This is due to how the data exposes these sequences. See how `people holding hands: light skin tone` is made up by 7 code points, while `woman and man holding...

Test case: 48f29e1d251097278a5f06624862f38245f64fca. We need a way to mock user agent before `emojiDetection` loads. For now we can open up `examples/index.html` to test manually.