Matteo Latini
Matteo Latini
Localization seems like it doesn't work properly. I'm trying to use Lita as an _Italian_ bot but... I've found at least two problems: - when running on slack I cannot...
Right now we only output some error text and return a `0` exit status. This is wrong and we should return a non-zero status code on exit when something goes...
I know there are no proper alternatives but, out of curiosity, shouldn't calling: ```{url}&callback=? ``` be a violation of a private twitter api endpoint?
I think 404 should be carefully used when a blog is not available. This uniforms routes and AR exceptions... I also added some tests with the :rack_test driver since :selenium...
fixes typo that prevents edit link from working
I added bundler support in case RAILS_ROOT contains a Gemfile... I've also reworked some stuff... I couldn't find sudo_with_input (except in some old gems on RubyForge) so I removed it......
Backgroundrb is shitty, should we begin considering an alternative? Maybe the next milestone?
Backgroundrb is shitty, should we begin considering an alternative? Maybe the next milestone?