Results 14 comments of voidman

I face the same problem 我遇到了相同问题 ### Workaroud Copy `rule-providers`, `rule` from your subscription file to `config.toml` 在 `config.toml` 中添加 **订阅文件** 中的 `rule-providers`, `rule` Add `proxy-groups` of the same name...

Thanks for your reply~ I changed the OSDs/MGR/MON resource limit to high value (like 4000m, 16Gi) and removed the **resource limit**, both **made no difference**. The 2 removed **SSDs** were...

> Seems like you have trimming issues, by default they are not enabled on rook/ceph first enable the parameter > > ``` > # ceph config dump > WHO MASK...

> One more step left. After changing the parameters the OSD pods needs to be restarted. The configuration is not applying the changes directy. You need to delete(they will be...

> can you enter to the OSD pods and issue `fstrim -av` if the parameter works you should not see GB's of trimming values. I am still suspicious that trimming...

@senolcolak Thank you~! I'll try it. Have a good day~

@EricHripko Please close this issue because it was done through

若为替换方式安装,`/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml` 中设置 scheduler 命令行参数:`--leader-elect=true`,参考

Any updates? Today yuque is broken... I want to migrate my notes too...