
Results 7 comments of mtt

hi @Acconut, thanks for the reply. > As you mentioned, one tus upload has a maximum of 1 concurrent request (unless you are using the parallelUploads option). I think I...

Undefined for delete ? ```js setSearchParams(prev => ({...prev, hello: undefined })) // delete ```

i think proxy is needed for reactivity the current `useSearchParams` function could be updated didn t try tbh ```ts export const useSearchParams = (): [ T, (newParams: SetParams |...

you might be able to use `produce` again, i didn t try --- ```ts : untrack(() => mergeSearchString("", params)); ``` would be a breaking change

I don't really like the delete keyword in general so this doesn't bother me but that's a personal preference and I'm not a core member ;) I think Ryan spoke...

Hey @rattleSSnake I share the logic here but I don't think the breaking change is a good idea. Noneless I'd be happy to make the change and refactor `mergeSearchString` if...

This will reset search params ``` setSearchParams(prev => ({ })); ```