I was curious about something else based on the log files. In the `fluent-20220124-145048-20088.log` file it's clear that Fluent has kicked off 2 processes: ``` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Hostname Core O.S....
Ah, I was misunderstanding what was happening inside fsi.c with regard to the two processes. I think you'll find I misunderstand quite a bit... Regardless, I undid any of my...
I've been documenting a lot of what I did in the file. Details of how to get Fluent to use any MPI are specified there. I forked this repo,...
> One very trivial thing I noticed is that whenever you attach the precice-config file you attach a .txt file, but the original file is XML. Do you change the...
> You said that at some point you corrected some stuff regarding the consistent / conservative mapping right? Can you please send over the new config file? I just want...
@IshaanDesai That sounds great! I'm already registered for the workshop and am looking forward to attending. In the meantime I'm trying to test out the domain object at the different...
> From what you are describing my guess is that domain->dynamic_threads would have existed in a previous Fluent version and probably the name of the variable has since been changed....
First, to be overly explicit, the fields with which the coupling is concerned are only at the interface between the fluid solver and the structural solver when you're considering an...
The equivalent for conservative mappings would be that the sum of the values on each mesh are equivalent: ``` Force values before mapping (Fluid_Mesh) min:-10234 max:12365 sum: 10.23 var: ......