The particular library from boost we were having trouble with was I had a crazy idea to soft link this filename to, hoping I could fake-out Fluent. In...
I asked this: "I have a UDF script that makes calls from a library built with one version of Boost (1.73). These are causing issues with Boost libraries accompanying the...
I have a customer who needs to couple Fluent (20.2.0) to Abaqus for an FSI simulation. We are looking to preCICE as a possible answer. What can I do to...
I actually elected to try the more hacky solution first. I'm hoping if we can successfully use static Boost then any changes to Fluent Boost won't matter. It may also...
I have a working version of Fluent 20.2.0 on Scientific Linux 7.7 which I've used to run transient simulations all the way to completion. I also compiled preCICE 2.2.0 on...
I found your Cavity2D case shortly after I wrote that last comment. Yes, this definitely seems to be the first place to start. I opened Cavity2D.cas in the fluent GUI...
I _think_ I did these next steps correctly, but I'm still getting the same error. I switch from using our internal solver adapter, just to remove any code there as...
Ok, I deleted `libudf/` and used the README to compile my own UDFs. Now, I looked in `steer-fluent.txt` and found this command: ``` fluent 2ddp -g < steer-fluent.txt ``` BUT...
I changed line 44 to `` and re-ran the simulation. The same thing happened.
Well, I was running out of ideas, so I just tried commenting out line 34 of Logger.cpp, and it actually might have worked! The branch of the precice repo I'm...