Mike Miller
Mike Miller
After looking a little at this in Octave and Matlab, I think this needs to be fixed in Octave technically. I've filed [bug #60680](https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?60680) upstream to fix this.
Looks a lot like you have a working Python installation, but it's not on the system-wide PATH, or it's not on the PATH that Octave sees. Have you tried adding...
The Matlab SMT `factor` function has a `FactorMode` option that gives the results you want. The default mode is `rational`, which gives the same result as Octave. But the other...
Yeah, I've noticed both the official installer and anaconda only ship python.exe, I don't know why they don't include python3.exe. Isn't it likely that Windows users will have to set...
I have the official Python 3.8.1 and Anaconda 3 2019.10 (Python 3.7.4) installed on Windows 10, and both provide python.exe and pythonw.exe, there is no python3.exe.
If the official Octave builds are now going to start providing some version of Python and SymPy (per JohnD on the maintainers list), maybe that can be made to provide...
From the original poster > What was confusing in the diagnostic process for me was that the path variable said usr/bin is in the path, while the sympref diagnose said...
Based on a message to the Octave help list (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-octave/2019-11/msg00112.html)
Yeah, my thoughts are that the README should be clear and concise, document as much as necessary but no more. I think a full manual would be ideal, such that...
For pythonic I am leaning towards Sphinx / reST for the user manual, which will help it look like other Python library manuals, help it be more accessible to new...