I'm attaching more debug messages `[ 54.960983] RTL871X: [0x00100000,5]+rtw_drv_entry [ 54.961031] RTL871X: rtl8812au driver version=v4.2.2_7502.20130517 [ 54.961300] RTL871X: [0x00100000,5]+rtw_drv_init [ 54.961335] RTL871X: usb_endpoint_descriptor(0): [ 54.961362] RTL871X: bLength=7 [ 54.961376] RTL871X:...
Ok so the problem comes from os_dep/linux/os_infs.c line 2420 : In the function `static int _rtw_drv_register_netdev(_adapter *padapter, char *name)` we call `int register_netdev(struct net_device *dev);` Problem : some of the...
actually the crash already happens at this line : `_rtw_memcpy(pnetdev->dev_addr, padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr, ETH_ALEN); ` if I malloc pnetdev->dev_addr just before the call, the crash happens at register_netdev.
After reading about a [similar issue]( on a similar driver, I'm starting to think that this could be a structure alignment issue because I'm on ARM architecture?
I'm trying to get the AP mode to compile. First of all, the ap/ folder is missing. I copied it from the mediatek source that I got from their website....
ok, here is the output [output.txt](