> FYI flashing from Linux worked flawlessly for me as a workaround. Succeeded with flashcp to mtd0 (after choosing spi capable dtb in armbian). :)
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013, TuongNM wrote: > The following code should match all possible cases: > > isEmptyList = > \case of > []: "empty list"; > x::xs: "non-empty...
Probably the support can be added (I don't know any reason, why this shouldn't be possible). You could write and submit the code. :)
On Tue, 3 Dec 2013, Suminda Dharmasena wrote: > I might be a user of of this in calling using some ML code from Java but for implementing a scripting...
The yc script uses rlwrap, as it is really useful to make using the REPL easier. If you want, you can patch it to check whether rlwrap exists and run...
At first sight, a bug. Nothing that compiles should get such exception at runtime without using unsafely_as. I'll look into it. Probably will do 1.1 release when I find a...