Mihail Tchetchelnitski
Mihail Tchetchelnitski
https://github.com/pglombardo/PasswordPusher/blob/8bbee221cf4e591bd03300b683957ad7d15c2131/containers/docker/pwpush-mysql/docker-compose.yaml#L14 The folder remains empty when using MysqlDB. The database is actually stored under /var/lib/mysql as per mariadb default configuration. The data will get wiped if the container is recreated...
Auditing is a feature we need to have for our use case and it does not seem to be possible to have an "Admin" style account that could see and...
The new changes to settings.yml that added support for branding and theming options cause the app to return error 500 if the variables are not there. In my installation settings.yml...
It would be useful to be able to directly open a list of customers previous invoices when viewing an existing invoice. This is a thing I often do when invoicing....
The filtering field in listings does not work as well as in the previous versions. How to reproduce: The search term does not find entries that have the term in...