Malte Swart
Malte Swart
@knqyf263 Specifying a matching region to the image location via `AWS_REGION` / `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION` resolves the issue. I discovered that EKS clusters have a [pod-identiy-webhook]( configured to inject needed environment variables...
I have a workaround in-place (blank `AWS_REGION`, `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`) but would prefer a proper solution in Trivy if reasonable.
Situation hasn't changed on my site, but I would prefer a mentation statement regarding option to improve the situation of future users.
Status remains unchanged.
While we have a workaround in place, a proper resolution would be great (I am reluctant to try fixing it myself as I am not familiar with the code base).
@sinner- I didn't try adding a docker daemon. It is IMO also a workaround. However, it requires much more maintenance attention and further permissions (at least if you run in...
Sorry (apparently I skipped over the second sentence). Yes, such an option would be good to have: 1. It would allow users to resolve such permission issues without digging into...
Apparently, this issue has been fixed in the meantime (either in trivy itself or the use aws libraries). I tested trivy 0.48.1 without the added workaround (ensure trivy is called...
We are still running into this issue from time to time (idling nodes with a different nodeSelector resulting in continuous pod evicting within the whole cluster). /remove-lifecycle rotten
That is the *failing* / *incorrect* log. [Previously](, renovate opened the PR with two changed files (`` from the regex manager, and one `terraform/.terraform.lock.hcl`). So on this following run, nothing...