Justin Le

Results 13 issues of Justin Le

Just following up on FormationAI/dhall-bhat/pull/48 :) Tried my best to shift this to match the format of dada. From the original PR, I've also added `corecursive` and a `FreeF` base...

Any instance of `Representable` admits an [automatically derivable left-adjoint](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representable_functor#Left_adjoint) in Haskell (That's how I'm reading [this](https://www.encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php/Adjoint_functor#Examples_of_adjoint_functors.), at least). It is basically a generalization of the `(,) r -| (->) r`...

* [ ] would be nice to have convolutional filters * [x] Waiting on the same things as https://github.com/mstksg/opto/issues/1 (vector needs to be updated on hackage) * [ ] https://github.com/mstksg/opto...

First of all, thanks for the great library. Just letting you know that I've implemented a "configuration exporter", which uses _pretty_ to pretty-print a valid configuration file given a `Config`...

Mostly a cosmetic change, but the haskell eeeee should probably import from `Data.Function`, and not `Control.Monad.Fix`. Unless the fun is in the absurdity of pulling in a redundant monad module...

Right now the most common way to construct a `Numeric.Natural` is by using `fromInteger` directly or indirectly (like through round or a numeric literal). This is kind of ridiculous, because...

The obvious instance obeys all of the laws so this should be a thing.

There are a lot of useful combinators for `Either` in the *either* package but they really should be in [`Data.Either`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- `leftToMaybe`/`rightToMaybe` are really the same level of importance as `listToMaybe`....


Thanks for the great project :) Encountered this while running on a jetson AGX orin device (sm_87 arch), from looking at the source code a bit it seems like each...

Hi; thanks for the great package! I was wondering if there were any plans to bring this package onto the [stackage](https://www.stackage.org/) index? (If you wanted to, it's as simple as...