Marcus Stade

Results 26 comments of Marcus Stade

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring here as well. I use bats on a regular basis and find it to be an incredibly useful and valuable tool....

@squito a few points to touch on there, and I'll try to get at them individually. First off: yes – you should use bats. It's an excellent tool and will...

I'm seeing the same issue as @manikanta-kondeti – anyone figured out a workaround? This worked just recently, but I updated to macOS Sierra 10.12.1 since then, and I think I...

I took a stab at debugging this, and it turns out the error I got, which is the same as @manikanta-kondeti and @schmunk42, was kind of a red herring. I...

I understand _why_ test files are sourced on every run, but the user experience is confusing. It seems to me that most of the confusion here stems from the inability...

I made a change to reuse DOM elements instead of recreating them, and it seems to speed things up significantly in Firefox. It has little noticeable effect in Chrome, but...

I was looking into why the edges are so jagged in Firefox as well, and it turns out it might just be a [bug]( Anyway, I added `outline: 1px solid...

That's very cool, thanks for adding that to the bug – I learned something! :o) I tried a bigger outline, but couldn't make out a difference. Maybe there is, but...

+1 for the callback suggestion. Having a no-op when a fire-and-forget call is required seems like a reasonable requirement; I'd be surprised if that's a very common scenario anyway. I...

> A similarly surprising example I can think of immediately is Angular's module method. If you provide two arguments, it creates a module. If you only provide one, it gets...