Michael Smyers
Michael Smyers
Ah, found it! It looks like a wall of text to me.
I would recommend Stack Overflow for questions.
I upgraded my dependencies (further than 0.12.0) AND I deleted the .tmp folder (I think it was picking up an empty sails-disk file and calling that models?) - and my...
I don't understand your question. I've never used UMD. I forked and patched the project so I could use it in my requirejs setup.
I'm new to the javascript/node/requirejs community. If you have suggestions on how to improve the build, I will gladly do the work, in order to learn.
Yes, it resolves https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/issues/310
I love IntelliJ and abhor VSCode, but since VSC's Solidity support is superior, I'm struggling, save me (by fixing this)!
the contracts in the README also appear disconnected from the project **MATIC:** `0x56a79881b65B03F27b088B753B6c128485642FC3` - https://polygonscan.com/address/0x56a79881b65B03F27b088B753B6c128485642FC3#code * but matches the bytecode of [`0x5841565Bd231a868e47347d9749eF06AF5cA0970`](https://polygonscan.com/address/0x5841565Bd231a868e47347d9749eF06AF5cA0970) _([which IS a proxy](https://polygonscan.com/address/0x5841565Bd231a868e47347d9749eF06AF5cA0970#readProxyContract))_ * but when clicking...
docs.rari.capital appears to not have dns anymore.
setTimeout(function() { $('#form').validator('validate'); }, 100);