Marcus Meissner

Results 498 comments of Marcus Meissner

these 3 reads combine into 1 block of data. the first 12 byte are the PTP Header, "f5 4b 00 00 02 00 03 92-0c 00 00 00" then the...

so you need likely either have to calculate starting at this 00 00 01 78 offset, or just after it

Hi, The "old" EOS 20D does not have all functionality commonly known from the PTP based ones. E.g. trigger capture is not present in the old EOS driver. Ciao, Marcus...

There is a NIKON setting "autofocus" gphoto2 --set-config autofocus=off can you try that? It changes the behaviour of the capture commands.

a regression in 2.5.28 caused by me, sorry ... see ... i just fixed it in libgphoto2 GIT. Need to consider a new incremental release...

try: gphoto2 --port usb: --get-all-files that will select the first usb camera. (and not the disk: based storage)

gphoto2 --port usb: -L --stdout would list the files , pipe into "wc -l" for instance and after download "ls|wc -l" and compare those.

it usually is some kind of helper for plugged in SD Cards ... it will look for "DCIM" folder in the base of the mounted filesystem. You can remove the...

we are currently not yet decoding or encoding the whitebalance record. hmm :/ needs implemetnation

can you try gphoto2 --capture-preview