Xinyue Lu
Xinyue Lu
As a temp workaround I'm injecting total_pages into the mask class instance. ```ruby p.send(:mask_stack).first.instance_variable_set '@total_pages', (p.total_entries / p.per_page.to_f).ceil ```
I'm not quite sure about what you are doing here, but basically you should feed it with a _VapourSynth Clip_. If you have no idea what VapourSynth or a Clip...
You would also need something to fetch the output from VapourSynth. Usually we use x264 or x265 to produce a video, and I've never tried to produce an image from...
Try `--tune lp` or `--tune vcbs` which are optimized by VCB-S group leader LittlePox for Animes. Most of the modifications are for convenience, such as output as MP4 format or... You can check here. A few are for speed optimization, and a few are for anime efficiency.
你AVS是怎么传入x265的?如果用内置的avs reader,直接就能显示进度。
得等有空再说了,平时还有别的活要干,对我又不是刚需,所以…… 另外,要能让avs2pipe显示进度的话,是要改avs2pipe而不是x265。应该是avs2pipe那边没有正确输出帧数,所以x265读不到。
Hitting the same problem when renaming a file / folder that has tilde in the path -- showing as underscore and I'm not able to rename it. Had to shut...
Master-master replication. One node is doing RPUSH of string(100) to a list at 500 req/s, another node is doing LRANGE and LTRIM every 10-20 seconds to process the list in...