Arjan Mensch

Results 10 comments of Arjan Mensch

The download links have changed according to the json: ``` { "webexAPPFileLink": "", "pageBuildVersion": "", "webexAPPBuildVersion": "", "xmlAPIBuildVersion": "", "thinClientBuildVersion": "", "videoPlatformVersion": "2.0", "appleAppStoreLink": "", "googleAppStoreLink": "", "lockdown": false, "supportWbxPlugin":...

Actually it was, but reloading that link now returns download links that do not work for me :( So this one `` works. This one `` does not.. I cannot...

Got it to work (in browser). Browse to ``, then navigate to `` in the same tab / browser session. You will now see the output I posted earlier with...

Hi tastyrats, Looking at the errors and comparing your output to my verbose output: are you running the script elevated? Since installing the .msi for instance will require admin rights...

Hi Jonathan, `VERBOSE:` `Processing Admx files for Microsoft OneDrive` `VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload` `VERBOSE: received 0-byte response of content type ` `VERBOSE: Found new version 22.111.0522.0002 for 'Microsoft...

Hi Jonathan, I added your fix in the DEV branch. Can you see if that works for you?

I have this one fixed. Now focusing on Zoom and Citrix.

Indeed, needs more work. Works if you run the script a second time, including Edge. Looks like the first time the Expand.exe command runs, it fails.

I am indeed still seeing this issue with my mail. The workaround is still working though. Regards From: Sydney Smith Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 20:47 To: PowerShell/PowerShellGallery Cc:...