Michael Seele

Results 16 issues of Michael Seele

`com.automation.remarks.junit5.VideoExtension.videoDisabled(...)` will never return true if no Video Annotation is set: ``` private boolean videoDisabled(Method testMethod) { Optional video = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(testMethod, com.automation.remarks.video.annotations.Video.class); return video.map(v -> !videoEnabled(v)) .orElseGet(() -> true); //return...

### Current behavior Opening http://autonumeric.org/configurator under Selenium with Chrome (bug should occur under every browser) and entering SHIFT+7 (which is '&' on US keyboard) in the test input field results...

It took me half a day to realize the https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli or https://github.com/raineorshine/npm-check-updates is very slow because update-notifier has no proxy support (and i am sitting behind a corporate firewall). Looks...

We are migrating to JUnit 5 (from JUnit 4) and using the console launcher in combination with ant like described in https://github.com/junit-team/junit5-samples/blob/master/junit5-jupiter-starter-ant/build.xml ``` ``` We cannot use junitlauncher-task because the...

status: team discussion
theme: reporting

Cool plugin. Any plans to add gzip compression as well?


I'm trying to access the document from a elemental2.dom.HTMLIFrameElement but noticed that elemental2.dom.Window (via HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow) has no document variable. There is no chance to access an iframe document via elemental2....

help wanted
good first issue

Make com.netflix.archaius.ConfigProxyFactory fully compatible with Java 9. We get the following warning when we run Tomcat 8.5.24 with Java 9.0.1: ``` WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING:...

JDCConfigReader of 2.x branch implements "Callable" that is incomaptible to PollingDynamicConfig which needs "Callable\" like URLConfigReader impements. JDCConfigReader should be changed to implement "Callable\\" instead.
