Michael Schubert

Results 73 comments of Michael Schubert

I had a similar issue like this in the past and, if I remember correctly, the warning listed PIDs different from what I was trying to collect. If that is...

Note that I implemented something like that on a ZeroMQ-backend ([clustermq](https://github.com/mschubert/clustermq)) back in the day when I was frustrated with `BatchJobs` not being able to handle my number of jobs...

Wouldn't it make more sense to explicitly not try this in `batchtools` and use a workflow tool for job dependencies, like [`drake`](https://ropensci.github.io/drake/)?

Is there any reason to allow double definitions at all? I would be ok with this throwing a *Symbol a/b is already defined* error. Alternatively, I would expected this to...

> Why? `b` is explicitly exported by this expression: Shouldn't ```r #' @export mod::use(y = ./y[a = c, b]) ``` assign the aliases `a=c` and `b` *within* the `y` symbol?...

Could just have a Github organisation as a "reference list"? That way they would be indexed, connected, and have unique names.

Github doesn't own the content, would be easily transferable. Combined with the unlikelyness of that happening, this is a very minor risk.

I fully support this, but unfortunately my time is also quite limited these days.

@HenrikBengtsson When I wanted to check out the `future.clustermq` link I got a 404. Is this still set to private?

This is the query: ```r query = GDCquery(project = "TCGA-ACC", # or any other data.category = "Gene expression", data.type = "Exon quantification", legacy = TRUE) GDCdownload(query) GDCprepare(query, save=TRUE, save.filename=) ```...