Mathieu Scheltienne

Results 53 issues of Mathieu Scheltienne

2 configuration variable could be added: - one to ignore the minimum version check - one to specify a different download folder

🌟 enhancement

An XDF recording contains one or multiple streams. It would be useful that a Player can be created from an XDF recording and mock all available streams, including irregularly sampled...

🌟 enhancement

The StreamViewer API needs an overhaul. It will be rename as `Viewer` to match the new `Stream` and `Player` API. The new `Viewer` API will interface with one or more...

🌟 enhancement

The StreamRecorder API was removed in favor of LabRecorder. A `Recorder` API should complement the `Stream`, `Player` and `Viewer` API. The recorder API must be able to control a LabRecorder...

🌟 enhancement

Looking quickly through GFP stuff, this is the equation I find in MNE: ``` np.sqrt((data**2).mean(axis=1)) ``` And this is in pycrostates: @vferat Any opinion here?

Similar to an epoch object where you can do `epochs["my condition"]`, an `EpochsSegmentation` should be indexable. Suggested by Vincent today ;) c.f.

🌟 enhancement

A "Citation" reference is missing on the website. Where would it be nice to have? - bottom of the front page? - between Development and More in the topbar? -...

Spotted this remaining TODO item: Maybe: ``` Convergence criterium: relative tolerance with regard to the estimated residual noise in the cluster centers of two consecutive iterations. ``` cc @vferat

📓 doc

I like `sphinx.ext.linkcode` other `sphinx.ext.viewcode` because it creates nice links to the function in the source code on GitHub instead of an HTML page with the function code copy/pasted, and...

📓 doc
🌟 enhancement