Michael Schatz
Michael Schatz
Hi Matteo, Sorry for the delay on this. There is a known defect in the gffutils code that we use for processing gtf files where it doesnt know how to...
Great tip! Does that pass the scikit ripo validation? It does some sanity checking on stop codons etc in the sequences Mike On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 6:36 AM...
Is there a way to massage the annotation to only include the CDS and skip the UTR? That might be the most practical approach to get this run now. And...
This is amazing! @Mike would you be able to review and integrate? Thanks so much for your contribution! Mike On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 9:51 AM Travis Wrightsman ***@***.***>...
Thanks. Will do! On Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 4:31 AM Helena ***@***.***> wrote: > Hey @mschatz thanks for the bug report! In > the future please also feel free...
Thanks for your interest! This file contains the full set of variants: https://bx.bio.jhu.edu/data/jasmine/HG002Trio/DeNovoDetection/denovo.merged.vcf . It was constructed by merging the results between HG002, HG003, and HG004 across all three technologies....
The previous server hosting Ginkgo has crashed. I was able to copy the files off the server, but Im looking for a new server to run it on. I hope...
Can you send the link to the results that were failing? We also had some issues on the server the other day that might have caused some things to fail...
Id vote for a user option for the minimum ploidy. This could be very useful, for example, if analyzing sperm that have a haploid genome and would need to set...
Yes, can you send me to the link? Thanks! Mike On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 4:38 PM Shayna Mallett ***@***.***> wrote: > Hi I am having the same issue...