
Results 6 comments of Matthias

ok cool, in the meantime I just added `tooltips: wNumb({decimals: 0}),` to get rid of the decimals

no, the `surveyjs/libs/surveyjs-widgets.js` file, that part here: ``` var slider = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_nouislider___default.a.create(el, { start: question.value || (question.rangeMin + question.rangeMax) / 2, connect: [true, false], step: question.step, tooltips: wNumb({decimals: 0}), pips:...

Chiming in here as well, would be great to allow embedded images (so they won't be blocked by mail-clients) and attachment of small files (pdfs), is this something you're actively...

@knadh oh wow, this sounds awesome! Does this mean inline images will be working as well without pulling from the server?

Hey @knadh, how are things with this one, is this somewhere on the roadmap to be implemented soon or is there no bandwidth available for that feature?