Mark Saroufim

Results 238 comments of Mark Saroufim

Sounds good, I'll repurpose this PR to delete what we no longer need in `pytorch/pytorch` Tomorrow I'm spending some time looking at improving logging in the fx partitioner

Hi @Narsil it may be nice to have a few `good-first-issue` populated, for one can think of 4 people I work with every day that know a lot about ML...

Am happy to add more comprehensive ones but wasn't too sure how much @erincatto is willing to add to the README given that it's pretty short already.

As an alternative, I've been seeing people in open source leverage Rich to create a dashboard inside of a terminal So maybe you can reduce the burden of creating...

The interesting part is jit gets optimized progressively (albeit in an unstable way) and tops at about 10 iterations and not 1 :confounded: - I don't know enough about JIT...

> aot_function(vmap(f)) does (mostly work), but not the other way around. I think this could work, I believe jax recommendation is to jit the vmap and not vmap the jit...

@zou3519 I'm curious if you have any thoughts on how scheduling would work then. If all the models are being combined into a single output then you're going to waiting...

@robmarkcole would you like to make the PR to fix this?

@rohan-varma @lessw2020 @HamidShojanazeri once you tell @hudeven and I that you'd like to merge the PR let us know. This has been open for a while. Feel free to close...