
Results 6 comments of Sal

TypeORM can be configured via environment variables. Refer to for examples on how to do so.

Hey @diffunity I'm currently in the progress of refactoring this boilerplate to not have nest-access-control in it. But utilize nest guards to act as authorization middleware. I think when I...

Some changes as mentioned - uses [CASL]( for its authorization.

Yup it does. You can change up the settings by following the guide here

Please refer to this part of the [README]( for changing databases. Remember, to modify the `.env` file of `DB_TYPE` to be `postgres`, `DB_PORT` to `5432` and download the postgreSQL client...

> > Hey @hetmann, love the ui kit as always, just ran into a problem when I started using it on android. It gives the following error. I googled how...