TypeORM can be configured via environment variables. Refer to for examples on how to do so.
Hey @diffunity I'm currently in the progress of refactoring this boilerplate to not have nest-access-control in it. But utilize nest guards to act as authorization middleware. I think when I...
Some changes as mentioned - uses [CASL]( for its authorization.
Yup it does. You can change up the settings by following the guide here
Please refer to this part of the [README]( for changing databases. Remember, to modify the `.env` file of `DB_TYPE` to be `postgres`, `DB_PORT` to `5432` and download the postgreSQL client...
> > Hey @hetmann, love the ui kit as always, just ran into a problem when I started using it on android. It gives the following error. I googled how...
Hi Dan, This is a work in progress list to curate all of the major PHP security flaws out there (can be applied to other web stacks as well). I...
Instead of creating many instances of a class write it once. So it should be my_bot = TwitterBot() my_bot.auto_follow("phrase") my_bot.auto_follow("#hashtag") my_bot.auto_fav("phrase", count=1000)