Matias Saggiorato
Matias Saggiorato
This attempts to speed up provision by addressing #2272
Recently I've added support for UAC prompt on goodhosts so that it works even if you don't run vagrant up on an elevated shell. There's still issues with symlinks not...
Suggested by @tomjn Main items: * Vagrant / Main Provisioner would start the process in the background, and exit. * Nginx should serve a "site being provisioned" page until the...
Site provisioners now get cloned into the site folders, and then executed in place. This makes GIT UIs think that the provisioner is actually the relevant repo to open. An...
Avoids error when there file does not exist (eg: there's no editor styles).
Hey guys, i was just trying to see why this PHP library didn't compile my less file, and i've narrowed it down to this piece of code. ``` less .transition(@duration,...
If the file doesn't exist in the filesystem, try to load it through an HTTP request using the uri root provided.