Matt Ward

Results 15 issues of Matt Ward

Creating an ASP.NET Core project when .NET Core 3.1 SDK was installed would result in .json files being displayed twice in the Solution pad. .NET Core 3.1 SDK defines .json...

On hold. Accessibility problems with embedded hyperlinks. May involve a re-design/re-think of how complex license expressions are displayed. - Show license metadata in Manage Packages dialog If the NuGet package...


Fixes NuGet restore error in VS Mac 17.0. Error MSB4019: The imported project "/Library/Frameworks/ Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/mono/xbuild/Microsoft/ VisualStudio/v17.0/WebApplications/Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found. Confirm that the expression in the Import declaration "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/mono/xbuild/ Microsoft/VisualStudio/v17.0/WebApplications/ Microsoft.WebApplication.targets"...

The wrong runtimes were resolved for dotnet x64 on Arm64 machines. The FileSystemExplorer was using the dotnet Arm64 path /usr/local/share/dotnet to find the x64 runtimes, instead of the emulated dotnet...

The even/odd quick info does not seem to be displayed when the AsyncQuickInfoDemo.VSMac project is run in VS Mac The current date time information is displayed.

To reproduce: 1) Create an ASP.NET web project in MonoDevelop. 2) Modify the web.config file so its case is Web.config 3) Using the Manage Packages dialog install Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet Expected result:...


If you compile a F# console project you see None items added for each .fs file in the project. **To reproduce:** .NET SDK 1.0.1 installed. 1) dotnet new console -lang...

Looks like the ConsoleInputEventArgs class has been made non-public. ``` ERROR [2022-07-27 15:15:56Z]: Could not create pad content System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'MonoDevelop.CSharpInteractive.CSharpInteractivePad.CreateConsoleView()' to access method 'System.EventHandler`1..ctor(System.Object, IntPtr)' failed. at...

Null reference exception is logged when the active configuration is changed. ``` An unhandled exception has occured. Terminating Xamarin Studio? False System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of...

Opening Xamarin Studio for the first time, then opening a .NET Core project sometimes does not show any dependencies in the Solution window. If you open the .NET Core console...
