Michael Rumpf

Results 13 comments of Michael Rumpf

I tried the Google codelab example on my Samsung S8+ and it does not work: https://github.com/googlecodelabs/activity_transitionapi-codelab Can someone give a pointer on how to debug this? I thought about buying...

Hm, I just reinstalled the firmware to the Connector and reset the Android app. Then I added the Connector Buero (which became the host) and added the 2 Raumfeld S...

Thanks for the clarification! `/raumserver/controller/createZone?id=Bad&confirm=true` led to this error: ```` Feb 7 10:13:26 openhab node[23467]: #033[31merror#033[39m: [Request.createZone] Exception thrown: message=ConnectRoomToZone trigger was not triggered in a valid time!, stack=Error: ConnectRoomToZone...

Since I reset the Connector Büro, I did not restart the raumserver service. After doing that, the createZone worked on all 3 devices! ```` { requestUrl: "/raumserver/controller/createZone?id=Kueche&confirm=true", action: "createZone", error:...

In Safari on MacOSX I see the following error when opening the source view: ````Not allowed to load local resource: file:///styles.97b03286c046de7c728e.bundle.css```` Maybe a security issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5074680/chrome-safari-errornot-allowed-to-load-local-resource-file-d-css-style When I remove the...

Still the same issue: ``` The terminal process "/Users/mrumpf/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.azure-account-0.11.6/bin/node.sh '/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Frameworks/Code Helper (Plugin).app/Contents/MacOS/Code Helper (Plugin)', '-e', 'require('/Users/mrumpf/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.azure-account-0.11.6/dist/cloudConsoleLauncher').main()', '--ms-enable-electron-run-as-node'" failed to launch (exit code: 9). ``` When you run the...

The issue is caused by the following if block at [cloudConsole.ts#L291](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azure-account/blob/0f19b18118fe874ec4582c6373b709f07f103b2b/src/cloudConsole/cloudConsole.ts#L291) The change was introduced here: [#136987](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/136987) A workaround is to modify the JavaScript file and change the version number...

I tested the version from above and it worked after reloading VSCode. Thank you, looking forward to see a 0.11.7 release soon!

Thanks for the hint! However, as I had no sophisticated equipment, I had to improvise ... I was able to solder 3 wires to the board to some larger pads:...

Related: #61 ![IMG_5946](https://github.com/syssi/esphome-yeelight-ceiling-light/assets/1191530/3bc2a04c-b5f7-4c36-916a-530ed8d36f33) ![IMG_5964](https://github.com/syssi/esphome-yeelight-ceiling-light/assets/1191530/2acc14bc-feb5-4708-a026-d6b2bee70f80)