Martijn Ruijzendaal
Martijn Ruijzendaal
While some users may find the changelog informative and interesting, I find that some users get annoyed by changelog popups when frequent updates occur. Would it be possible to include...
Hi, I'm new with both Reactive-Billing and RxJava. I'm trying to subscribe multiple subscribers to the purchaseFlow Observable. If i understand correctly, you could accomplish this with share() or publish()...
Hi, I have a simple feature request. I would like to automate some things regarding gnome-pomodoro, including a script that can trigger a break. A simple `gnome-pomodoro --short-break` and `gnome-pomodoro...
Hi, Thanks for this repo. The dbc files are proving very useful in reverse-engineering BMW i3 CAN data. I was wondering if you could add a little more detail to...