
Results 7 comments of Tree

@sunsus Yes that's been one of my irritations for a while, and it's been asked before. It's on the TODO list.

The bluetooth check is supported on iOS, the enable/disable isn't. I'm less familiar with iOS and didn't have time to investigate how to do this. I wasnt even sure if...

I'm not near the code, but for most of the plugins operations you need to register the callback delegate first. Also not knowing ionic I can't tell if there might...

No I don't. But for iOS the permissions have to be explicitly requested. Have a look at requestWhenInUseAuthorization and requestAlwaysAuthorization calls on the plugin.

This will come when the AltBeacon library is integrated and an active fork ( is pulled into the main master for android-beacon-library. Looks like it should be in the next...