Mr Speaker

Results 9 issues of Mr Speaker

8 to 10 characters. Must start with a number and end with a letter, or start with a letter and end with a number!

The WebGL State Visualizer tool is mind-blowing. I've used your site *a lot* over the years, and I thought I had a good grasp of WebGL - but the visualizer...

I have an issue where if I directly load a .ttl file in Firefox, the plugin intercepts the request and creates a tab with contents `moz-extension://6d962960-a724-3b4f-8391-4392f21ef52e/page_panel.html?`. Because the document would...

The AO is calculated only using the current chunk - so shadows on the borders of the chunks do not consider their neighbours. To fix this, use world.getCell rather than...

The camera viewpoint is top of the bounding box, so you clip upwards. Move view slightly down is easiest way - or make player "taller".

Currently the skybox is stationary, so you can go outside of it. Adjust box transform so it's always center.

Need to properly detect when on the ground before jumping (at the moment it's just player.vel.y < 0). Flying should be done as a new feature.

Texture seems appear in the mid grounds

This is not an issue - just a question. In react native, if you choose an image from the camera roll, it will be displayed at a suitable resolution for...