Matt S: MattOfTheDead

Results 32 comments of Matt S: MattOfTheDead

I also have issues compiling. What is the DTC version that is Pie to be installed rather than the one installed by apt install dtc?

I answered my own question you need to use DTC 1.4.6 or higher to get it to compile. Now I am trying to figure out how to get the SDM845...

Exactly the device tree is missing camera and display, you can't build it!!!!

Found that they just posted these in the star-r-oss device tree - go clone from there and just put camera and display into your device tree.

Yes this won't build without it!!! Please upload! I tried the camera from the S21 Ultra but it's different even though the same display panel. #include "camera/haydn-sm8350-camera-sensor.dtsi" does not exist...

Found that they just posted these in the star-r-oss device tree - go clone from there and just put camera and display into your device tree.

Same here installed both the x86 and x64 vcredist (updated from Microsoft), I think it's compiled for x64 only so need to load up the project in VS2017 and recompile...

Are you guys using a patched or something? Mine always fails. 1) it thinks the build directory is vc140 (despite msvc9.compiler.VERSION returning: 14.1, it's ignored) when it's actually: QuantLib-1.22/build/v141/...

Yes this is 100% true, the documentation is so outdated; if the maintainers want people to extend the library the and installation instructions should be updated. Otherwise, it's an...

Yeah I'm finding the same issue here much later on MSVC 14.1 and using SDK 8.1 or 10.x. It really comes down to just a few issues apparently after I...