20190925_192502 - XInsta Initialized 20190925_192502 - Instagram Version Code: 174081672 20190925_192502 - Device Codename: LG-H930 20190925_192502 - Android Version: 8.0.0 20190925_192502 - XInsta Version 2.1.0 20190925_192503 - Hooks Fetched! 20190925_192503...
@ihelp101 i have the same problem, above you will see my log. I am using the test apk with Instagram 174081672 but everytime i start Instagram the hooks are changing
20190926_151249 - XInsta Initialized 20190926_151249 - Instagram Version Code: 174081672 20190926_151249 - Device Codename: LG-H930 20190926_151249 - Android Version: 8.0.0 20190926_151249 - XInsta Version 2.1.0 20190926_151249 - Last 20190926_151249 -...
@ihelp101 downloaded the app but it still doesn't work, above my log. let me know if you need anything else
20190926_155302 - XInsta Initialized 20190926_155302 - Instagram Version Code: 174081672 20190926_155302 - Device Codename: LG-H930 20190926_155302 - Android Version: 8.0.0 20190926_155302 - XInsta Version 2.1.0 20190926_155302 - Last 20190926_155302 -...
@ihelp101 u dont have to be sorry. I really appreciate your work and efforts. The hooking works now in guess as i was able to download a pic. The other...
@ayush7gl you have to disable hide search history