* **What is the current behavior?** Hi! I consistently get an orange line in my workflows in my QC reports (the line is labeled ("proc_structural- proc_dwi 50"). I also consistently...
* **What is the current behavior?** Hi! Having some issues with the QC step. I successfully ran these modules: -proc_structural, -proc_freesurfer, -post_structural, -GD, -Morphology, -proc_dwi When I run -QC_subj, I...
Just quick a minor suggestion for clarifying the documentation a tiny bit: the "T1_mask" input should be a brain-extracted T1 image and not a binary mask image. FAST kept failing...
Hi there! So the documentation says that the plot3d option is plotting the average FA for each segment across all subjects onto one subject's fiber bundle (unless I'm misreading it)....