Masoud Rozati
Masoud Rozati
The issue with single configuration root in JMX console is pretty confusing for administrators; specially when one of applications uses the legacy configuration, which simply overwrites the newer one:
The issue is caused in [container.html#L17]( where the property `layout` is literally compared to the constant _name_ `RESPONSIVE_GRID` instead of constant value `responsiveGrid` So, a quick solution is changing it...
yes, the problematic call comes from "profile" store in AEM product: `/libs/granite/contexthub/components/stores/profile/store.profile.js` imho we don't need this store at all. In asset share we already have a call to `/libs/granite/security/currentuser.json`...
Actually I didn't file a daycare ticket yet, because I believe the profile contexthub store is designed to be used only on author instance. Denying user to have access to...