Michal Mroček
Michal Mroček
Listed solution is not correct. It will break aspect ratio. The problem here is that `onLayout()` of `CameraSourcePreview` is called before `CameraSource#mPreviewSize` is updated to proper value. By default `mPreviewSize`...
That's a bit complicated issue. When it comes to NetMonster there's another layer of data post-processing which brings more light to secondarily serving cells. It utilises cached cells (from log)...
Detection is based on some officially not published metadata. It works flawlessly on some phones, yet on others it's a bit sketchy. The other factor that comes into the game...
PhysicalChannel is unfortunately not accessible for developers for a while. You can see it in Phone Info as you noted but it's buggy. It's not your ROM issue but generally...
Physical Channel is not accessible since Android 11, hence there's no way to use it to improve cell info.
Can you provide full `ServiceState` as a String? Maybe `NetworkRegistrationInfo` can be used as a source of correct PLMN.
I have adjusted MOCN postprocessor for Android R+ and added a few checks that will prevent it tampering data.
I'm also facing this issue. However, I'm just in a "testing phase" which I set up in my developer console. When I made my 1st purchase, everything was ok. Then...
After a while of digging I found the problem It's a bug of the library - when subscription is purchased onActivityResult is called and it is passed to library. Data...
NetMonster internally uses [TelephonyManager#requestCellInfoUpdate ](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/telephony/TelephonyManager#requestCellInfoUpdate(java.util.concurrent.Executor,%20android.telephony.TelephonyManager.CellInfoCallback)) which is asynchronous. I'd bet that such delay is caused there, hence this should be hardware issue. I'll have a look if I can get...