Mészáros Máté Róbert

Results 38 comments of Mészáros Máté Róbert

Wow, looks promising (though I am not familiar with the term RDNN). I saw this is written in python - did You consider using a framework like [Click](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/) for the...

@palob Beyond Compare is a diff tool for files and folders. It is developed by __Scooter Software, Inc.__ - hence the logo: a wheel of a scooter with "diff arrows"....

Ok - in the meantime I already did a 24x24 so here is a comparison: 24x24 | 26x26 -- | -- ![bcompare circle 768](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15245298/201348052-631e25a1-9e7b-4949-b356-b7aefdac8e68.png) | ![bcompare circle 768 26](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15245298/201357099-62c9b2af-e461-4466-ad6e-1c332f941529.png) The...

OK, so: smaller nut, no baseline peekthrough, arrow dropshadow ✔️ Fiddling a bit with the outside dents - not sure about how many - I feel like 7 is kinda...

Bigger dents: Full Light | Halfsies | Full Dark -- | -- | -- ![bcompare circle 384 d5-ll](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15245298/202476937-f6ad6f29-ac5f-40d3-9e97-98e50be21449.png) | ![bcompare circle 384 d5-ld](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15245298/202476859-26cd9c79-8cfc-4ddd-98a0-5efb17239743.png) | ![bcompare circle 384 d5-dd](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15245298/202476825-47416494-5c01-43b2-a683-355b594bae18.png) Greys are...

Sadly the dark dents are L10. So here are two versions with only L20+ greys: `#555555`(L33) / `#363330`(L20) | `#474747`(L28) / `#363330`(L20) | `#333333`(L20) / `#6b6761`(L40) -- | -- |...

Hey, I did rework this slightly - what do You think? Original | Cirlce | Square -- | -- | -- ![1password original 192](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15245298/200877737-ac766da7-0562-4145-8567-0967004d5d82.png) | ![1password circle 192](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15245298/200877770-30545cfd-a91e-4ed1-bb6c-6369f6772402.png) | ![1password...

@delgurth if You need help, please let me know, I would be glad to help out

I think this project just recently moved to [syncthing-gtk/syncthing-gtk](https://github.com/syncthing-gtk/syncthing-gtk)

With all this different types (non-existent, file, directory, etc.), maybe it would be better to have it as a `state` parameter. It could be a set of acceptable states for...