v5.10.36-W171 1. Create an invoice with a partial/deposit amount 2. Enter a payment for this deposit amount 3. Delete the payment, the invoice is restored/unarchived but partial/deposit value is not...
v5.10.34-W171 Self Hosted When using Invoice **Item** Tax Rates, there is no option to set a default tax rate the same as Invoice Tax Rates This means when creating an...
v5.10.34-W171 Self Hosted Currently if you want to have a simple tax setup of one tax rate for Invoice Tax Rate, you can't display the tax amount per line item....
v5.10.36-W171 Sometimes I browse and edit invoices, hit save then press back. It would be nice to have invoiceninja scroll back/display the same place in the list as where I...
v5.10.34-W171 Self Hosted There are a few areas in invoice ninja on desktop where it is unclear to the user that there are other tabs/options. For example, on the invoice...