Mariusz Kryński

Results 26 comments of Mariusz Kryński

vacuum definitely needs more tests (even with dry_run=true only). After short play with it I found number of issues not covered by tests: * files not referenced by delta log...

The good thing is `delta-rs` vacuum implementation is blazingly fast ;) comparing to official java VACUUM impl (at least for S3 backend). I did tests on real, production S3 dataset...

@rtyler @fvaleye It looks like there are still two serious issues with vacuum implementation: * vacuum lists all files in dataset using `StorageBackend.list_objs`. The problem is this function returns all...

I license past and future contributions under the triple MIT OR Apache-2.0 OR Zlib license, allowing licensees to choose any one at their option.

or in Trix: ``` wasm.js:504 panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', src/antic/ Stack: ```

dobry pomysł, poprawiłem opis

Please provide description how to reproduce this bug, for now you are providing some error without command you executed. I've just successfully built `sprite` and `3d_scene` examples, I only had...

What are the versions of bevy / webgl2?

I've just ran your code. Please take a look on network tab (dev tools) in your browser - it seems you are loading two new textures 60 times per second...

Sure, I'll work on it.