
Results 90 issues of Mat

Is it possible to use a custom sorter if the `kind` option is a certain value, otherwise use the default sorter? For example, I want to be able to sort...

Now that we have `vim.keymap.set` API in Neovim nightly, it allows us to setup keymaps in really clean ways. I'm using [legendary.nvim]( to set all my keymaps, and I try...

When I use this config: ```lua config.configure_language('default', { use_consistent_indentation = true, ignore_whitespace = true, }) config.configure_language('gohtmltmpl', { prefer_multi_line_comments = true, single_line_comment_string = false, multi_line_comment_string = { '{{/*', '*/}}' }, })...


empty folder icon in nvim-tree ![CleanShot-2021-10-13-at-08 13 43]( and empty folder icon when opened ![CleanShot-2021-10-13-at-08 14 04]( And when you run [exa]( at the command line, the items with the...

It would be awesome to be able to use this with an OnlyOffice spreadsheet on my self-hosted Nextcloud server instead of Google Sheets backing it!

Help Wanted

I mean, come on, this really seems like a missed opportunity here! 😎

Gif to demonstrate what I mean: ![CleanShot-2021-12-17-at-08 30 44]( It should start scrolling when the `9` in the leftmost column reaches the top line instead of the numbers scrolling off...

Sometimes, not exactly sure what causes it, but it seems to have something to do with switching between windows, particularly when you have different filetypes open in each, the fidget...


If this is really this much better and works consistently and as well as `filetype.vim` then IMO it should be included in Neovim core, to outright replace `filetype.vim`. Just a...

### Similar Issues - [X] Before filing, I have searched for similar issues. ### Description It should include the option to save either the current directory exactly, or the current...

good first issue