Joel Kemp

Results 47 comments of Joel Kemp looks really interesting for customer management and for payments. It hooks up to Stripe for handling payments and accepting credit cards.

@rnicholus There are likely a few paths to long-term open source development. The most familiar approach is to make a living off of one's work. The ideal, in my mind,...

@mikesherov For those devs that want to work on their project for the long term, would the foundation sponsor them? Or would the foundation only help keep the project afloat...

I added a section on Software Foundations and a link to Mike's answer in the FAQ. Thanks @mikesherov for the clarity around foundations. I'll respond to BDFL and outreach later...

Thanks so much for the recommendation @desandro. Do you have any thoughts on why it didn't work well for the Bower team?

Hey! Thanks for contributing. Feel free to open a PR with the change and a test. Sounds like a good point of extension. I'm happy to review contributions.

Hi! Thanks for the question. I don't know anything about how vue works or how it differs from any of the supported filetypes. Do you have links to more information...

Thanks for the extra detail! I appreciate it. I think the hard part here is handling .vue components that have embedded html and css. To get that to work, you...

Hey @extronics! Thanks for contributing. I like the idea a lot. Just thinking out loud a bit, but I was curious if it would be easier to just have this...

Hey @horosgrisa! Thanks for contributing. Please see the notes that I added on The language `precss` would need to be added similar to pug/jade. Alternatively, if both the syntax...