
Results 11 issues of mritd

Can we add profile support? Using the Cobra library to load configuration files and process command line arguments seems more friendly; if possible, I will commit a PR.


**What happened**: When using gitlab, the number of repositories displayed on the UI interface is incorrect after clicking the [Fetch remote repositories repo] button **What you expected to happen**: The...


Optimize dockerfile Signed-off-by: kovacs


allow disable timestamp on terminal logs

- [x] read the [CONTRIBUTING guidelines]( - [x] raised a GitHub issue or discussed it on the projects chat beforehand - [ ] added unit tests - [ ] added...

**Description** PostgreSQL inside Gitlab container cannot create shared memory **Steps to reproduce the issue:** Create an iso with the following configuration files and start: ```yaml kernel: image: linuxkit/kernel:5.10.104 cmdline: "console=tty0...

目前尝试在 CI 环境中集成 upx 命令(docker 多平台构建), 遇到问题是当前 UPX 的 Release 并没有使用传统的 go 风格架构字符串, 例如 `amd64`、`arm64` 等, 也没有使用 `uname -m` 的输出格式; 这导致必须借助一些脚本来做兼容判断. 当前 Release 发布物文件名称后缀似乎是当时根据 [godownloader]( 生成的; 而项目内的 已经完全不可用, 且...

优化 mcp 能力

I learned about the cfssl tool in the [kubernetes documentation](, it's great; But I have never found a complete documentation of the json configuration file when using the command line;...