Mikael Riska
Mikael Riska
@olleolleolle The errors reported for `ember-beta` and `ember-canary` are the same as in current master, so I think they should be dealt with separately to this PR.
Hi @kimroen, is it possible to release a version `1.16.2` from master? The generators do not work in the current version with ember-cli 3.0.0 or greater. I know that CoffeeScript...
In order to **temporarily** work around these issues you can make a change in the file: `node_modules/ember-source/blueprints/route/index.js` Change any instance of `options.locals.moduleName` to `options.dasherizedModuleName` and it should work.
Just wanted to chime in and say that I would also like to have this support. @rwwagner90, have you been able to make any progress on it?
I see, I'm fine with just being able to link to the particular page, which is possible with: ```handlebars {{docs-link 'buttonType' 'docs.api.item' 'components/button'}} ``` I just thought it would have...
Sorry, I was a bit unclear there. Yes, I was referring to links from markdown pages to the API reference pages.
I am running into the same issue. In my example below, the debugger is firing on first load and then whenever the watched property `dayMode` is changing from false to...
The project were I am seeing this error does not include `ember-bootstrap-cp-validations`, so it can't be the sole trigger at least.
We are also running into this issue and it is effectively stopping us from recycling tokens in an automated way. Is there any hope of getting this fixed?
Should we support explicit targets? Should we allow selector strings to be passed in for the target?
I found it useful to be able to provide an explicit target when using the tooltip as a contextual component for my own components. I added it like this in...